Half Birthday

So, some good things happened today, and some not as good things happened today.

First, we got a new president. Well, not a new president, but a second term president. Obama won yesterday, which was very good news in our house. Yay!!

Second, the girls turned 8 1/2 today. Daddy made cupcakes for them tonight, and they were delicious – pics below.



And in the not-so-good camp, A was elected as an alternate in the election for class representative. She is very upset about being #2. Her friend Charlotte won. We are trying to explain that #2 in this case is something to be very happy about and that there are other girls who would like to be the alternate, but she isn't buying it. She's very sad tonight.

And M went to her baseball team dinner at Potomac Pizza and didn't have fun. I am not sure why, but she didn't like it. I picked her up from the dinner tonight and she seemed rather glum.

Thankfully both girls cheered up tonight, especially when A was doing even MORE interpretive dances to music from one of N's toys.

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