
Some interesting developments today:

  • Both girls have decided to run for student council representative from their respective classes. Four per class are chosen. They had to sign a pledge saying that they will participate in the activities and bring baked goods, etc. for school events. They will also have to give speeches this week.
  • After school the girls made cookies at their friend Lily's house in honor of the election tomorrow (see photo below).
  • This month's book report category is Fantasy. A is doing Greek myths and I am trying to get M to read Half Magic.
  • M has had a sore mouth for a week or so – not just where she has teeth coming in. Daddy called her dentist, who had us mix Milk of Magnesia with liquid benadryl to try to numb the area. Will see if that makes a difference.
  • Imogene said that when she went to get the girls after school, N got so excited when he saw A that she had to take him out of the stroller. He is the CUTEST baby ever.
  • M got a watch as a present a few months ago, and the crystal broke. She was very sad, so I replaced it with a new one, which arrived today. She was very happy.
  • Tomorrow is Election Day!

The cookies:


The watch:


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