Fussy N

For some reason, N is very fussy tonight and crying a lot. We can't get him to sleep, and he is eating a ton. I hope that he is OK – this is very unlike him. He was fussy all afternoon and didn't want to nurse, which is also very unusual. Daddy is upstairs with him right now trying to calm him down (11PM). I really hope he isn't sick or that there isn't something serious bothering him.

Tonight was A's class potluck dinner. For some reason, her teacher didn't come – this is the first time a teacher hasn't come to one of the class dinners. We did get to to talk to the parents of lots of her friends and classmates, which was fun.

Today, Imogene, Grandma Sandy, N and I went out to lunch at a Jamaican restaurant in the neighborhood. N was very calm and mellow during lunch (which makes tonight all the more troubling).

M is Star of the Week next week, which means she is to bring in a poster that has things on it that reflect her. We cut out a star out of orange (of course) posterboard and she is making a photo collage on it of pictures of her family, Lucky, Imogene, etc. I will take a pitcure of it when it is done.

We have a very busy weekend ahead, and there are predictions of a megastorm to hit the area on Sunday. Ugh.

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