Long Day for A

Today was a long day for A! She and M got up early so that they could go to Math Club at 8AM at school. That meant bringing N to school since Daddy was already gone. He was very good and seemed very interested in all of the kids waiting for Math Club. M said that it was good, and that she is glad that she signed up for it.

After Math Club, A went on a field trip. Her class went on the DC Tourmobile. which is a tour bus in the city. Then she came home and had a piano lesson, a bath, and dinner. And now she is at the Kennedy Center with Grandma, seeing the Marinsky Ballet perform Cinderella. So I haven't been able to ask her about any of these things yet! Hopefully she had a great day and isn't too tired. The girls have a 4-day week this week, so they only have one more school night.

Yesterday, M was on her way out the door for school when she realized that a collection of items she has on a keychain on her backpack was missing. She was DEVASTATED. Things on the keychain: 3 lanyards she made at Holton Camp, a ballet slipper, a funny looking animal, and a little purse that Imogene gave her. We were all very sad. Daddy took the girls to school and they looked for it along the way, with no luck. I went to M's classroom and looked for it in her locker, with no luck. I left a voicemail at the friend's house where they went yesterday afernoon, with no luck. Then, Imogene took N out for a walk, and SHE FOUND IT! It must have fallen off her backpack while walking home from school and someone found it and hooked it on a stop sign. And Imogene found it! Amazing. We were all very happy. Yay Imogene!

N is eating round the clock and not sleeping as well. Growth spurt?

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