The Week in Blackberry Photos

Here are some Blackberry pictures from this week that I think are a good summary of the high points of the week.

A trying out the Bumper Jumper, her favorite toy when she was a baby. We put N in it this week, but A had to try it out too:



Here is N at the doctor's office:


Here are M&A trying on all of my summer shoes:



And here is my car packed up with the stuff I am selling tomorrow at the mothers of multiples consigmnent sale:



Here is an update from A:That is a lot of junk!!!!!!!!!

I would like to see what is in there.! I wonder what is in there?Hi I forgot to tell you who I am ! Im Alexa (also known as A!I would like to say some thing. . . . . qwhke3yeyey2u2uue2y    27g67wrehuarvnurunviaprtbunarunau . That's it!P.S.good night (written at October 12,2012.)


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