Callback Sunday

Well, the girls DID make it to the callbacks. They went back to the WSB from 1:30-3 today to audition again for Mr. Webre. A is pessimistic about her chances of making it in, but I think she will. M thinks she may be a soldier. A is still holding out for party girl. We will find out sometime before Thursday. Exciting, as always, to find out what parts they get.

Otherwise, it was a quiet day here. Cloudy and grey. The Nats won their first playoff game, against the Cardinals. Daddy is officially a Washingtonian as he was rooting against his hometown team. Nathaniel had a mellow day at home, but went out for a walk in the late afternoon with me and Lucky. He is so big that he can barely fit in his infant carseat anymore. When we go out in the 'hood now, we put him in the stroller without a carseat, and I think he likes it a lot more. He also went in the exersaucer tonight and liked it more than last time. He's enjoying the push/jump toy that we picked up for him last weekend.

Yesterday M told me that she wants to call me Mom at school, and Mommy at home. A is still firmly in the Mommy camp.

Tonight the girls went to a Simchat Torah celebration at the synagogue with Naomi and Alida. They said that it was fun. Daddy and I watched the baseball game, had chips and salsa on the ottoman (!) and ate dinner while sitting on the couch. I told Daddy, "Time to turn the game off and come to the table for dinner!" He was outraged; I was kidding.

In the bath tonight, the girls were telling us funny stories about times when they have been confused for each other and for their friend Katie during P.E. Katie is another redhead who looks like a mix of M&A. We call her their triplet.

Girls and Daddy have tomorrow off; I do not. They may go to a museum.

Here is N's Sunday photo – note the ADORABLE overalls and striped shirt:




M took this picture of N holding Baby and Blankie:



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