Lice Redux

I think from now on, I should just not pick up the phone when the number 202-282-0462 comes up on my Blackberry. That number belongs to the school nurse at Lafayette.

Yeah, um, M has lice. Fun.

Since I got home tonight, I did the following:

  • treated M's hair with RID shampoo
  • gave N a bath
  • rinsed M's hair
  • went through M's sectioned hair with a nitpicker looking for nits (none)
  • went through A's sectioned hair with a nitpicker looking for nits (none)

Now Daddy is giving the girls a bath, thank god.


Here is some GOOD news. M has been selected for a "spotlight" award, which is for students who do certain acts that fit into a monthly trait. This month's trait is Teamwork, and she did something (I don't know what) that epitomizes teamwork. Here is something I saw on the bulletin board outside of the nurse's office after checking A in this morning.


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