Tough Day!

What a day.

I went downtown early (there by 8) for a focus group conducted by a pollster that I used to work with. While there, I missed a call from the school nurse. Daddy called her back, and we learned that A had been sent home from school because she had lice. Fun!

So she spent most of the afternoon at the office of the company that came and de-liced the girls last December. Her case wasn't too severe, and another girl from her class was sent home with lice too, so one of them probably gave it to the other. Luckily, M and I and Imogene are lice-free. Daddy is probably, too, though he is feeling itchy.

So I took A and Imogene and Nate to the lice place, dropped off Imogene and A, and took Nate to the oral surgeon where M was getting four teeth pulled. Apparently it was quite painful for her and she was crying quite a bit. SO SAD. Daddy was in the room with her and I was in the waiting room with Nate.

Both girls came through their stressful days well. What a week – A had oral surgery on Monday, N was throwing up last night, and now today. Looking forward to more comfortable days ahead!

Ending on a happy note: here is N wearing some PJ's that Tuvana gave him. So cute! Too bad he pooped on them about 10 minutes after I took the photo. As Tuvana said, "I hope he doesn't outgrow them by the time they come out of the dryer!"



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