N In Utero

Now that baby N is no longer in utero, it's fun to look back at his ultrasound pics to see if they look like the baby that we know today. Here are some 3D ones that were taken toward the end of my pregnancy. Daddy was worried after he saw them that N would have unnaturally big lips. He doesn't – his lips are perfect! Just like the rest of him. What a cutie!!



I wish I had known when he was in there that 1) I would love him as much as I do; 2) he'd be as cute as he is; and 3) that having a boy would be great! I might have treasured each kick and movement more. Oh well, the point is that he is here and he is wonderful.

This morning the girls were fighting over who got to hold him. They were both jostling for snuggles. He is so big that it's hard for them to carry him for long – he is almost 1/3 as heavy as they are!!

Also – this morning M went to what she thought was Math Club at 8 AM. This required her getting up early (she was up and dressed by 7:10), me making lunches early, and Daddy taking her to school at 7:55. Sadly, they were both back at 8:10 – it turns out Math Club doesn't start until mid-October. M was very disappointed.

I got a call from the school nurse this afternoon that A's surgery spot was bleeding and that it hurts. The nurse had her rinse with salt water and sent her back to class. I will investigate when I get home. I hope it's not a complication from the frenulectomy. Tough week for A.

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