Happy New Year!

Today was Rosh Hashanah. We went to the family service at synagogue today – the five of us and Grandma Sandy. We figure that we could do the family service for one more year. :)  It was fun and the Captain stayed awake for a lot of it, and then fell asleep about 40 minutes in. He did look very cute, I have to say:


And here are some pictures from after services:




The girls went to school in the late morning. I picked A up a little early, as she had some gum surgery after school. She had a frenulectomy, or the removal of tissue connecting her upper lip to her gum. She did great and was very brave. (Her mommy was crying, of course.) She enjoyed the laughing gas, and said that she felt that she could touch the ceiling and that she was moving side to side. She has had some discomfort since the procedure, but it hasn't been too bad. For dinner, she had jello and banana bread. And she had a Slushee after we left the doctor's office. She should be fine tomorrow.

Here is A before her procedure:


And M has 4 teeth coming out on Thursday – it is a busy week for the girls' mouths! I am trying to get these things done before I go back to work full-time.

Something funny – M has been helping me bathe N pretty often. She likes to lather his hair and wash his body. However, she always says, "Mommy, you have to do the penis."

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