Halloween Prep

Something cute that the girls do: whenever it is 59 minutes past the hour and one of them notices the clock, they alert the other one ("Hey M, it's 9:59") and then they watch the hour strike together. They do it for good luck.

The girls told me that they didn't want N wearing their old Halloween costumes for his first Halloween. They felt very strongly about that and asked that we get him a new costume. While I love recycling things and saving money, I had to respect their wishes, as they felt so strongly about it. Plus, they wanted N to go as a lion. So I found a lion costume on eBay. It arrived today and is so cute. Here is him wearing it (I think he was getting a little hot in it):IMG_5056

Here are the girls on THEIR first Halloween:






And here are some pictures that M took tonight (A is wearing a hat that came with N's pajamas, because of course she is):





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