End of Summer

Well, we're back in DC, and it appears that summer is coming to a quick end. We had a great summer – a new baby in the house, two great camps, some fun trips for the girls in August, lots of ice cream, and most important, lots of time together. My maternity leave has been great because it has coincided with the girls being home more and a more relaxed schedule, so in addition to being with N, I've gotten LOTS of time with M&A. I will always treasure the summer of 2012!

Today we hung around and unpacked, did laundry, grocery shopping, and had a playdate with Emily (who is in M's class). Tonight we had a fun dinner with the Batson/Levines. The girls sat at one end, all 4 of them, and we were at the other, of a long table. N was so good -he slept for half of it and then spent the rest eating a bottle and just hanging out in Daddy's arms. Such a cutie pie.

Tomorrow's the first day of school! Backpacks have been emptied of all accumulated treasures from last year (except for the ones that they want to keep in there), pencils have been sharpened, first day outfits have been chosen, and school supplies are all bagged and ready to go. This is the earliest bedtime in WEEKS (9:30 – not even early!).

So here's some cute stuff. First, N's Sunday photo (note the two-piece outfit!):



And some cute ones from this afternoon:




And now some videos from our week in Duck:

Trying to get N to smile:


Watch N's reaction in this one – very entertaining:

Girls dancing with N after mini-golf:


Activities in the swimmng pool:





N loves ceiling fans:


N in the bath: