OBX Days 1-2, By the Numbers

We are in the Outer Banks! We got here yesterday. It rained a lot of today, so we've been inside a lot, but we're having a good time. I haven't done a By the Numbers post in a while, but today seems like a good day to do one.

Hours it took us to get here: 9

Number of stops: 2 – once for lunch and once so that N could eat

Hours spent in Northern Virginia (between DC and Stafford): 3+

Movies watched in the car: 2 – Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid I

Movies watched today at the beach: 1 – Ballet Shoes

Projects completed today: 2 – M's matrushka doll painting kit (from Grandma Sandy) and a ballerina/dance puzzle by A

Let's Dish dinners eaten: 1 – feta chicken pizza

Times swimming in the pool already : 2 – once when we got here last night and once this morning

Minutes spent at the beach: about 25, until it started to rain

Ounces of milk N just ate: 8 (not kidding)

Jelly beans eaten: too many to count (we brought a huge container of Jelly Bellys from Costco)

Favorite flavors of jelly beans: A: tutti fruti, bubble gum, island punch, berry blue, very cherry; M: same as A plus chocolate pudding, toasted marshmallow, very cherry, margarita

Elusive items finally found in the FindIt game: 2 – marble and penny. Sadly those were found in two different games so we are not off the hook yet

Kisses the girls have given N: countless

Smiles from N: too many to count

We're enjoying being in Duck, which is a nice change from Corolla (though we love Corolla too).

Here are some cute pics from this afternoon. N is wearing a Riggins Rigs onesie (for all you FNL fans out there) and A was reading a graphic novel about ballet that I bought a few years ago – the author went to Brown and I read about it in the alumni magazine. M took almost all of these, including the one of N with Baby and Blankie!











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