Post-Camp Conversation

This conversation transpired when I picked up the girls at camp today:

Me: "Girls, I have two pieces of exciting news for you."

M&A: "How exciting is the news? Tell us the less exciting news first."

Me: "Well, one piece is less exciting than the other, but the more exciting one is only exciting for one of you."

A: "Who?"

Me: "You."

M&A: "We still want the less exciting news first."

Me: "OK, the first piece of exciting news is that I was able to download the audio of our first book club book for this year, Lemonade War."

M: "That IS very exciting news!"

Me: "Aww."

M&A: "OK, what's the second piece of news?"

Me: "Notebusters registration is now open, and this fall you are going to sing two singers that you will be really excited about!"

A: "Michael Jackson?"

Me: "Yes."

M: "John Lennon?"

Me: "No. Someone you've always wanted to sing."

A: "Whitney Houston?"

Me: "Yes!"

A: "YAY!"

Me: "Do you want me to sign you up for it?"

A: "Mommy, you KNOW the answer to that question!"

Adorable girls. I love that the little things make them excited.

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