Catching Up on Pictures

Tuesday… what to report? It was pouring when I picked the girls up at camp, and A was very upset because a guitar she made at camp had gotten smudged when she came to the car. We left it in the car so that it wouldn't get even more messed up going into the house.

After camp the girls spent a lot of time reading some graphic novels/comic book type books that they are really enjoying. It was a nice, mellow afternoon. After dinner we walked over to Aidan Murphy's house so that we could welcome them back from being gone since June and to show off the Captain.

Speaking of the Captain, here are some pics I took today – his Sunday pic a few days late and some of him in the bath. I also found some pictures from Daddy's birthday dinner that I forgot to post on Sunday, and I will post them here.





Birthday dinner:




And here is the fruit dip we made from M's recipe book from Young Gourmet at Holton Camp:


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