A’s Art and Story

Some exciting updates from A.

First, she lost a tooth yesterday. She left a very sweet note for the TF, who left her a very sweet note back.

Second, one thing I left out from the camping trip post was that A threw up on the way home. Here is her take on what happened:


It got a little cut off – here is what it said:

The Story of How I Threw Up

I was in the car. I felt sick sick sick. Daddy didn't believe me. He said that. I know, it's really mean. I choked. Daddy didn't think I did. He thought I was acting. I know! I wasn't acting. THEN. I threw up a lot. The End. PS. This was the true story.

Here also is a picture she drew of M ordering ice milk chocolate cream at Broad Branch Market:


And here is a drawing of me wearing a mermaid dress:


I am excited that I figured out how to scan on the home printer and get the images on the blog.

Daddy's birthday is tomorrow!