Canines, Solos and John Lennon

Today I got the girls a little early from camp so that I could take M to the dentist. I got to see their instrument rooms and also their "instrument making" class. Very cute. They were excited to show me around. M has mentioned that she likes her guitar teacher; that he's cute and 36. She's right! He's cute and 36. Apparently expecting a baby in September named Daniel.

The dentist confirmed what we suspected: that M's canine teeth – upper and lower on the right – are coming in and causing pain. There isn't anywhere for them to go. Her recommendation: move up our next appt with the orthodontist. We may need to get her an expander so that there is room for those teeth. Ibuprofen in the meantime as needed.

More exciting news – A has a solo in the Levine camp finale! She will be singing a few lines of "McNamara's Band". The girls also learned Imagine by John Lennon today. They love it. I told them about how John Lennon died, and they didn't understand it at all. I don't think anyone does.

N is still very cute, though he hasn't done anything terribly memorable today. Less pooping than yesterday. Still challenging to get to sleep at night. But utterly adorable.

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