Levine Camp

Today was the first day of Levine camp. The girls were definitely not as excited to go to Levine as they were to go to Holton. But I think it will be OK for three weeks. As soon as they got there, one of their counselors from last year came over to say hello and usher them inside, which made them happy. Earlier this year, I was asked to select an instrument for them to focus on for the session. I made a very quick decision and didn't consult them, and then I couldn't remember which instrument I chose. It has been a topic of much conversation – 1) what did I pick? and 2) why didn't I ask them first? I didn't have a good answer for either question.

But all was resolved today. Apparently I signed them both up for guitar. I asked about what other options there were, and there was one open slot in clarinet and one in flute. Ultimately, A decided to switch to flute and M stayed in guitar. A was sad to be in a different class than M, but was OK with it when she learned it's only for 35 minutes a day.The girls can bring their instruments home overnight, an they brought home a form tonight that we each had to sign saying that we would be responsible for any damage to the instrument while in our care. This was the first time that the girls ever signed something; usually, I sign on their behalf. Today they signed the forms. A signed her name with a heart at the end – so cute.

Here is a picture of the girls en route to their first day:


So, at pickup, the verdict was that camp was fine but not as good as Holton camp. The theme this year is British Isles. Songs they've already learned: Scotland Burning, It's A Long Way to Tipperary, and Supercalifra… (no idea how to spell it).

Daddy is back from his trip, thank god. Last night was bearable but I am happy not to face another overnight alone.

Here is Nate's Sunday picture from this week, taken today (Monday) – the outfit was one that M&A wore:


I like this one too:


I uploaded some photos from M's camera from the 4th of July – Palisades Parade and fireworks. Here are a few:


M&A with their friends Hunter and Cole (no idea which is which):


M&A with the son of a friend of Daddy's:



Our view from the State Department:


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