Second to Last Day of Camp

This morning, I had to get the girls to the camp bus by myself, and I can honestly say that I couldn't have done it without M&A's help. A kept N company this morning when he woke up, entertaining him, and then M fed him a bottle while I was getting their breakfast together. Then A put him in his carseat. They are the best!

At camp today M made seven layer bars. She was disappointed that the ingredients didn't actually create layers, but there were 7 ingredients. She was sorry to tell me that 2 of the ingredients were chocolate and coconut. Aw…

Here is A's hairstyle from Acting today:



A is having a great piano lesson as I type. She's singing now.

Tomorrow is the last day of Holton camp. We will be at Carnival, where we will see A's play, the girls cheerleading during a halftime show, and a tae kwon do demonstration. I can't wait! I think Imogene and N are going to come as well – hopefully he will not fuss during the performances.


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