More Milestones!

MORE big things happening this week, three of them today.

First, N got his braces off! He looks so cute.




Second, M did her Quest presentation at GDS! All of the seniors presented their senior projects in classrooms. I made it to M's which was thankfully at the top of the hour. She and Nick P. presented their voter registration project. It was really interesting and well-presented. They did a great job! Dad was able to listen in on Facetime. This is a screenshot from Facetime so it looks awful. I couldn't take a pic because I was trying not to interrupt.



Finally, N had his rescheduled band concert! It was outside at CCES. So great to hear the songs he has been working on for so long. We really enjoyed it. I went with Grandma Sandy and A, and Dad snuck in the back and stayed away from people. N was very proud of the show and he did a great job.


The little orange speck in the bottom left is N.


Many great milestones. Now there are kids in the pool enjoying a night swim. That was the whole point of getting a pool. I love hearing them enjoying it.


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