Today was HOT.

This morning, I picked up the girls from a sleepover at their friend Emily's house, and took them to my friend Karen's mom's house in Bethesda, near Holton camp. There, they got to swim in Karen's mom's pool with Karen's three kids and her two nephews. The two dads in the families watched the kids swim (and actually played games with them in the pool) so I got to sit inside in the cool house with N and talk to Karen. She loves babies so she was very happy to hold N for a lot of the time.

After a few hours, we headed home and had a snack. Then Imogene came to babysit for N and the girls and Grandma Sandy and I went to the Nats game. Not the best day to be at the stadium. It was over 100 degrees. We didn't sit in our seats – we found ones a few rows back that were in the shade. We made it til the 7th inning – about 2 hours – before we decided that it was time to leave. It was just too hot. A wasn't that into the game at all but M and Grandma and I enjoyed it. The Nats won 4-1, which was the score when we left the game. so we didn't miss much.

Tonight M&A and I watched America's Funniest Videos and ordered a pizza. It was a nice night after a tiring day. Esther is here tonight so I am going to get some sleep. We are ALL looking forward to Daddy coming home tomorrow.

Here are some pics:

N this morning:


Our car after the game – check out the temp:


I love this. A likes to play a game online where she can design someone's hair, outfit, jewelry, etc. When we had the power outage last week, she recreated it on her dry erase board. She creates different people all the time now in the bottom right square, made up of the options on the board:


M&A on their sleepover:


Note P&B&B&B and pillow pets and some of Emily's favorite things:


And finally a picture Karen shared of me, 6 days before N was born. Hard to believe he was in there!
