Brownout Friday

I would do a nice long post, but we are having a brownout and I have no Internet. The girls are thankfully at a sleepover. I am home solo with Nate. It's going to be a long night with no AC.

UPDATE: Pepco came and fixed the electricity. We had about 15 minutes of no power at all, but now the lights and fridge are working again. Still waiting for the AC to kick in – it's hot.

Today in Razzle Dazzle, A did stage makeup like an old woman. She honestly did not look like herself. Every time I looked at her, I saw an old woman. Very impressive – and she did it herself! Pics below. I was really happy to take off her makeup tonight and see my beautiful daughter again. Also at camp, M made something called Oreo Truffles, which I can't imagine is on the new lower-calorie/carb/sugar plan.



N is four weeks old today! He and I celebrated by going to the mall after the girls left for their playdate. He did NOT enjoy shopping for nursing bras, though he was curiously cooperative while we exchanged some baby clothes for him. Hmmm.



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