Busy Weekend

We've had a busy few days, with lots of activities outside the house.

Yesterday, I had my post-op incision check. All OK, other than an allergic reaction to the adhesive that is keeping my incision together – not so comfortable. But I got the greenlight to drive and do some walking. And I can now lift N in his carseat.

After the appointment, we went to meet Tuvana, Anil and Aliya for a pancake brunch in Bethesda. Aliya, M and A bonded immediately over the second Harry Potter movie and a book that Aliya is reading. After brunch the kids all played outside for a little while near a fountain outside the brunch place. It was very cute.

Then it was off to Holton Camp's open house. We got to meet most of the girls' counselors and see all of the classrooms where their classes will be. We also worked on opening their locker, which took a few tries. It looks like an awesome camp. There are something like 230 people on staff! I think they are most excited about Pom Poms, Acting, and Young Gourmet based on what they saw yesterday.

Then it was off to Montgomery Mall to run some errands. We exchanged a few gifts for N and bought a new dehumidifier. Highlights of the visit: the new Nike sneakers that the girls got – despite A's protestations that she will NEVER find a pair of comfortable sneakers – and the Jamba Juices we bought when we first got there. We were all desperate for Jamba Juice!

After the mall, we dropped the girls at the Avalon where Grandma Sandy took them to see First Position, a documentary about girls trying out for ballet companies and being in a ballet competiition. They seemed to like it a lot. Right after they got home from the movie, there was a violent thunderstorm. Thankfully we didn't lose power, but several people in our neighborhood did. Grandma came over for dinner and we hung out for a bit until bedtime.

(Dinner was thanks to Amy K. and Max (who was in M's class) – much appreciated!).

Today Daddy had a few barbecues for his current team and for someone he used to work for at the NSC. We all went to the first one, where the girls played baseball and ate popsicles and cupcakes. Daddy took the girls to the second one, and I stayed home with N.

 [Wow – fell asleep mid-post! That never happens. Will finish tomorrow.]