Big Sisters

The girls' busy social life continued today. They had a playdate at Jessie's house in the morning, ending at 2:30. Then they went to Grandma Sandy's for piano lessons and for dinner. They came home around 9 and ate popsicles. They are marching around the house like soldiers, in lockstep, saluting us whenever they leave the room.

Here are some presents they got today – we love them:


Meanwhile N is sleeping the day away, and up a lot at night. He's also an eating and pooping machine. We took him out for his first walk tonight in the stroller. We walked to Sarah's house, but she wasn't home. It was nice being out on a summer night.

We have been very moved by how many people have brought us food, or offered to bring us food. And my colleagues at Discovery sent me a huge box of food from Balducci's today. We're so lucky to have so many supportive friends in our community.

We are going to start taking a photo of Nate every Sunday to keep track of how he's changing. Here is the first week's photo:


Or maybe this one:


And more sisterly love:



1 comment

Ahhh! Finally got caught back up with blog reading & totally missed N’s arrival! Congrats…he’s beautiful! You look great & everyone looks happy!

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