Nathaniel’s Bris

We had Nathaniel's bris today. Despite the stress of the procedure, it was a lovely service and very special for us to have so many family and friends there. Uncle Jonathan came in from NY for the day, as did Aunt Tequila, and lots of our close friends from DC were there. Nathaniel was so good and didn't cry that much, even when the mohel did his thing. He slept most of the day afterwards – I think he was very tired from the whole procedure.

Daddy said some very nice things about Nathaniel's name and Grandpa Ron's father and grandfather. Grampy held Nathaniel during the service, Grandpa Ron held him during the naming portion, and Grandma Sandy, Grandma Dina and Nana lit the candles in the beginning. Uncle Jonathan, Aunt Emily and M&A got to stand with me and Daddy as we walked Nathaniel in and brought him to the mohel.

We have a lot of photos from the service which I will share once I upload them.

Happy one week birthday Nate!

And happy one week of being wonderful big sisters, M&A! We are so proud of both of you – you've adapted beautifully and been even more wonderful than usual.

And happy summer vacation!

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