Nate is Home!

What a special day! We brought baby N home from the hospital. We are all reunited at home and it's great. There are definitely a lot of changes to get used to, from a crying baby to Mommy not being very mobile and diapers and burp cloths. We will need some time to adjust to all of it. But I am thrilled to be home with this beautiful baby boy, and just as thrilled to be back home with my amazing girls.

Daddy and I keep comparing bring N home from the hospital to bringing the girls home. First of all, for some reason, we had so much more stuff at Georgetown than at Sibley. It took us hours to get packed up! Second, we were much more stressed last time. We were leaving A in the NICU and still bringing home a preemie, 5-pounder. I just remember being frantic and totally overwhelmed. Today, by contrast, we had a mellow morning at Sibley waiting for the OB to check us out, and then taking one leisurely trip to the car with our stuff (Daddy had already done one small trip). We ended up picking the girls up from school on our way home so we all got here at the same time. It was all pretty easy!

There are many wonderful photos of the last few days to share. I will share a few from today at the bottom of the post. In the meantime, because this is the Piggy & Bunny & Baby & Blankie blog and M&A haven't had much presstime, here is a nice email from A's teacher that we got today about her end of year party:

Hi all,

Despite being stuck indoors all day, the “party” was a lot of fun. The children played sumdog, decorated sunvisors, drew pictures, played Connect Four, and watched a movie. The pasta, pizza, turkey subs, and watermelon for lunch was especially a hit!

Tomorrow we will finish packing/cleaning up. Some of the students brought home their workbooks and journals today. The rest will come home tomorrow. The Everyday Math workbooks can be used  this summer if you’re looking for math review. We’ll spend the rest of our time tomorrow writing letters to the rising second graders. The children will include their favorite and not so favorite things about second grade. After that, each child will be honoring a fellow classmate with a special “Way to Go” award that he/she creates. Lastly, we will be finishing The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. This book has brought many of us to tears, and we can’t wait for (hopefully) a happy ending!

The children surprised me this morning with two bowls that had the children’s signatures and were filled with candy. These will be a wonderful reminder of one of the best classes I’ve ever had – and I mean that! What a sweet, funny, easygoing – but hardworking group! I will miss them.

And now, some pics from today. There are so many wonderful ones to choose from since he was born; I will post over the next few days/weeks.









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