Nate is Three Days Old

Everything went pretty smoothly today in the hospital. I saw my OB this morning and we are switching my pain meds, so hopefully I will get more sleep tonight than I did last night, which was minimal. Hopefully Tylenol with codeine will help! The plan is to check out tomorrow after I get discharged by my OB.

Nate was very easy today – lots of sleeping, lots of nursing, no formula and very little crying. I am waiting for the infant in him to wake up and start doing a lot of fussing.

We had some visitors too – Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron on their way out of town, my friend Catherine, Grandma Sandy, my friend Sarah, the girls and Imogene, and Grampy. Tonight Daddy and I are going to a discharge class and then Daddy is going to go back home and spend the night there with the girls. Grandma Sandy is babysitting right now.

The girls were very excited to see their brother this afternoon. They switched between paying attention to him and playing on the iPad, and fighting over both.

I spoke too soon about the formula. Nate breastfed for over 30 minutes and then took a whole bunch of formula. I guess he too is waiting for my milk to come in! I did get to see his fussy side.

Last night in the hospital. Can't wait to get home and be with the girls, and show Nate his room and his house. The girls were supposed to have an end of year party at Candy Cane Park but it is supposed to rain so it's going to be an indoor party at the school instead.

1 comment

Debbie Wager says:

Gayle — I’m so happy for all of you! What a wonderful, happy family you are, and Nate is the luckiest little boy in all the world!

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