Erev Captain

I wish I could say that I spent today reflecting on my last day as a mom of two and relishing the silence and quiet in the house, but I didn't. I DO have to show for my last day: a new car in front of the house (sadly missing satellite radio, which in my opinion renders it virtually undriveable), a properly installed carseat in that car, newly polished nails, a blow-dried head or hair, a dog at the dogsitter's, and some other important errands checked off the list. I will hopefully make it an early night (hello Ambien!) and wake up in time for my 5:30 AM food cutoff for tomorrow.

As I mentioned last night, the girls have been so sweet and snuggly this week (like most weeks!). Here are some pictures from last night – we watched the finale of The Amazing Race from last month:




This time tomorrow, the Captain will be here! He will have a name, and a face, and a little personality. We can't wait to meet him.

(And happy early birthday to Grandma Sandy, in case I don't get a post up tomorrow!!!)

1 comment

Sandra Schrut says:

Can there be a more wonderful birthday present?
Grandma Sandy

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