Treasures from A’s Backpack

Some really cute stuff came home in A's backpack last week.

First was this story, in which she settles an age-old question:

One summer day a boy who was about 8 years old was going outside with his mother. He had a fishing hook in his hand. After a few minutes he started fishing. After 45 minutes the boy grew tired of fishing and stopped. Out of the forest came a big giant wolf. The wolf growled, "Give me fish you have there." The boy answered, "No!". The wolf gobbled all the fish anyway. The wolf challenged him to a contest of who can catch the most fish. "I'll catch it with my mouth. You just go fishing and get the fish." The boy won! He came home while the wolf trotted away. His family was proud of him for getting the fish and they lived happily ever after.

Moral: Size doesn't matter.

She also printed the story so neatly. I wish I could scan it in! I may have to buy a new printer this week, because I can't stand not being able to scan stuff at home and post it here. Also, I can't print on our home printer from my laptop, which is a serious problem.

A also brought home a note to the Tooth Fairy, Nora, that makes me cry every time I look at it. She asks Nora to give the note to Allie in heaven, and she drew pictures of Maddie, Daddy, me, her and Allie and wrote, "We miss you." (Of course I am crying now. Probably good that I can't scan it in.)

She also brought home a note to the Tooth Fairy from her friend Alli (not to be confused with Allie the dog), which says "Dear Nora, Did you learn about my tooth fairy? When is your birthday? Do you think you can write a book about the feather I gave you? Can you say I love you to my cats in heaven who's names are Bo and Ody? Ms. Cobb's name for Field Day is Ms. Cobb's Karma Chameleons. i hope you like the necklace! From, Alli"

I have to say that reading Alli's note to Nora made me feel much better about A's spelling!


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