Field Day

Today was Field Day. The skies were threatening to dump rain all day, but luckily they held out until about 2:45, so almost the whole day was outside. M&A both told me separately, the second they saw me, that one of the other 2nd grade teachers had cheated at tug of war. I don't understand how but it seemed unequivocal. Both girls came home wearing really cute t-shirts – A's is green and says "Karma Chameleon" on it, and M's is blue and has images that suggest "five cents apiece" because of Ms. Nickel. All of M's classmates signed hers. Cute.

I am not really sure what else they did. M saw a relay race and was very impressed. There was another complicated game involving water (maybe a water balloon?).

Both girls also came home with minor injuries – scrapes and blisters. In fact, A went to a playdate after school wearing only one shoe. The other shoe came home in her backpack with Imogene. M had a playdate here with Charlotte after school.

It poured and poured here tonight, incuding a tornado warning, but it's calm now.

Tonight we watched the finals of the spelling bee, which the girls always enjoy.

Lots of contractions, which is making me nervous. The meds are less and less effective. I am not supposed to page the doctor until they are 5 minutes apart for an hour. We've gotten close but not that frequent. I hope I still have another week – I haven't finished the to-do list yet and still don't feel totally ready.

Tomorrow I will take pictures of my 38 week belly and the nursery! Happy weekend!


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