The Latest Addition to our Family

Please help us welcome the latest member of our family!

He is 3946 pounds and 188.4 inches long, and he arrived in our lives around 8 PM tonight. Like all infants, he smells really good. We are hoping to bring him home in about 3 days, after he gets a few adjustments and tweaks. The girls are very excited about him, and we look forward to many days of fun and adventure with him in the years ahead.

We are now officially a three-kid vehicle family!

Here is a picture of him:


Thanks to Grandma Sandy for staying home with the girls while we brought the new Highlander into our lives. There was a lot of paperwork to fill out and many decisions to make. We also discovered at the last minute that the dealer was (unintentionally) overcharging us by a few hundred dollars, so that was good.

Hopefully next week's delivery will go just as smoothly. 🙂

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