Mother’s Day Project

Back to school today. There is a new traffic pattern around the school that prevents me from dropping the girls off right in front like I usually do. So I parked further down and walked them up – great timing for me. Not. But it wasn't that bad.

The girls had piano lessons after school and are now finishing up homework. M has finished hers, actually, and is playing the computer game that they are both obsessed with, called CoolMathGames. A is writing about a club and a clubhouse that she would like to form (the assigned topic) and her club is called the Just Like Me Club. It's nice being home when the girls get home from school.

M brought home a Mother's Day project she made for me at school – using the letters of my name to write things about me.

Here was the first draft:

Generous with money

Attractive at all times

Young forever

Lovely for her whole life

Earnest every minute of the day

And here is the final draft:

Generous with money

Attractive at all times

Young forever

Law student

Earnest every minute of the day

Not sure what prompted the last minute change to "law student", but I will take the rest of it!

A wore her reading glasses to school today. She said they made a big difference.

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