Memorial Day

We had a fun Memorial Day today. In the morning, we did some organizing at home, and then the girls did a jigsaw puzzle from the basement. So cute to watch them do it together. In the afternoon, we went to Bethesda Pool – our inaugural swim day of the year. I sat in the shade with my feet up (91 degrees today) and Daddy met us there halfway through after getting his car appraised. Wee're probably going to get a new car this week and have some stuff to work out, such as maybe keeping Daddy's Volvo as a third car.

The girls had a nice three-hour swim (minus those pesky adult swim breaks) and no sunburn. Tonight they went to a barbecue in the neighborhood and I went out to dinner with some girlfriends.

Need a quiet day without a lot going on – the contractions are coming fast and furiously these days so my body is clearly telling me something!

Back to school tomorrow. Mommy is not going back to work.



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