Third Quarter Art

We're having a relaxing and relatively productive Memorial Day weekend.

On Friday night, Daddy brought home "Bad News Bears" and a bake-your-own pizza. The girls loved the movie and I loved the pizza. 🙂

Yesterday, the girls had haircuts (badly needed) and then we stopped by my friend Andrew's to check out his new house. Then it was off to get A some reading glasses. We found some at CVS that she LOVES. She had been wearing them on and off all weekend. We're experimenting to see if they make a difference and if she enjoys them. So far, yes, she enjoys them! In the afternoon, M went to baseball practice, while A went for a playdate at Emily's around the corner. M joined her after baseball. Then the girls came home and got ready for a sleepover at Grandma Sandy's house. They had a lot of fun there, and Daddy and I went out to dinner and to a movie – "What to Expect When You're Expecting". Not a great movie, but definitely timely for us! Before we left, M said, "Mommy, I think everyone in the theater will be pregnant." Sadly, I think I was the only (visibly) pregnant one, but then again, there were probably about 20 people in the theater.

This morning I went and got the girls from Grandma Sandy's and took them for a brunch at Andrew's house, where a  number of friends from my Northwestern program were. It was fun, except that M wasn't having a good time and wanted to go home. That wasn't so fun.

We came home and did some cleaning in the girls' room, some reading (A finished Harry Potter!), a jigsaw puzzle, and some piano practice. Then Daddy took the girls to the Washington School of Ballet spring performance. The girls didn't perform this year – between the Captain and Alice, we had enough other stuff going on – but they enjoyed seeing their classmates perform. Then tonight we had a delicious dinner – homemade burgers on the grill, corn, and gazpacho. Perfect May dinner!

I am excited to share the girls' artwork from their third quarter of school. They brought this work home a few weeks ago and I took pics of it all today. I love every piece.

First, the art folders:



The theme of the quarter is Exploring African Textiles. The first was inspired by Kente Cloth from Ghana – paper weaving with decorated strips





The second is inspired by Kuba Cloth from the Democratic Republic of the Congo – black magic marker with rubbed chalk pastels:





Inspired by Fon cloth from Benin – felt creatures in a layered glue "applique" technique:




Inspired by Korhogo cloth from the Ivory Coast – "mud" painted creatures on fabric with added repeated design elements and borders in black sharpie





Inspired by Adire Eleko fabric from Nigeria – oil resist white pastel with indigo blue wash:





Last one… Designing Our Own Textiles -  collage with oil pastel overlay with watercolor wash:








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