Eye Doctor

This morning, A and I went to the eye doctor to get her vision checked. She is a little bit farsighted, it turns out. The doctor takes a pretty slow approach, which I like – he wants us to get her some very weak reading glasses at CVS (cost = $12) and see how she likes them. He says her impairment is too weak to necessitate expensive prescription glasses, and we have to see how she takes to glasses in general. When we walked in, he saw Harry Potter in my purse, and asked who was reading it – her or me? When he learned that it was her, he said that she couldn't really have much of an issue. 🙂

Her pupils were dilated, which takes much longer in kids to wear off than adults, so when I dropped her at school I brought a note that said she couldn't read or do homework today. She managed to make it through the day and even did her math homework tonight. She did, however, get herself out of most of her ballet class tonight, citing burning eyes. (?) This was their last ballet class of the year, which I think we're all a little bit relieved about.

Here is a video of the girls doing "Hop Up My Lady" at Arts Night last night. A is in the foreground and M is in the middle (not on the stage):


And here are the pics of the girls' artwork from last night too:









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