Greasy Feet

Marathon day today.

Daddy left at 6 AM for Chicago and he is still there, but returning tonight. A woke up early this AM and was very excited to find another response from the tooth fairy. She and I hung out downstairs until it was time to wake up M. Then the girls got up and I gave them a bath. Then it was off to Sunday School for a parent-kid end-of-year thing where we we had to go to different classrooms and participate in various activities. They got a card stamped in each room, and after 6 stamps they each got a Shalom jelly bracelet.

A left a little early and we went outside and met Grandma Sandy, who drove A to her friend Maddie's house so that A could carpool to Maddie's birthday party in Lanham, MD (!). Then M and I went to her baseball game. She had some great plays in the outfield and some strong hits too.

The mom who gave A a ride to the party sent me this picture of the girls asleep on the ride home – the birthday girl is in the middle:

Photo copy

M & I came home, and A got home about an hour later. Then Grandma, Imogene, the girls and I went to Deal for A's Notebusters concert – "Greasy Feet". It was a bunch of songs from Grease and Footloose. It was a lot of fun. Here are the songs they sang:

  • Grease
  • Let's Hear It For the Boy
  • Beauty School Dropout
  • I'm Free
  • Greased Lightnin'
  • Somebody's Eyes
  • You're The One That I Want
  • Holding Out For A Hero
  • We Go Together
  • Footlose

After the concert we came home and had a very yummy dinner that Grandma made. The girls helped set up and clean up, because I am so tired I can't make it off the couch. I am glad to have made it through the day but I am soooooo tired. Thanks to Grandma for the help.

Tomorrow starts my last week of work, which I am doing from home. So glad.

Here are some more scans. These are the girls' lists of what classes they want to take at Holton Camp this summer. I thought they were really cute. Tomorrow I will post the Mother's Day books they wrote for me – too many jpgs to post tonight.






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