Domestic Accomplishments

We got a lot done today in the house. We packed part of the suitcase for the hospital. We put new knobs on the Captain's dresser and cleared out more things from the nursery. We fixed our dryer vent. We hung some self-portraits that the girls made when they were 5, which have been sitting on the floor, framed, in the living room for years. I will take pictures of them later and post them here. They look great. I also wrote some in the Captain's baby book.

M and A had their last Saturday ballet class of the year, and M had baseball practice. Otherwise, an uneventful day! We all went out to dinner tonight in Cleveland Park – California Tortilla and Yogiberry. Add in the Robeks' smoothies we had after ballet and the grilled cheese/mac and cheese lunch, and you get a very high-calorie day. Oh well, I will start eating less when the baby comes!

Medela breast pump = daunting. Yuck.

Tomorrow is going to be a CRAZY day. Daddy is leaving early to go to Chicago for the day. We have a very full day – parents-required activity at Sunday School, birthday party in the afternoon for A, baseball game for M, and Notebusters concert for A. Grandma Sandy is going to help me in the middle with getting A where she needs to go.

My last day in the office was yesterday. Yay! Before I left, I scanned a TON of things that the girls have made/written lately, including the amazing Mother's Day gifts. I will post them here in the coming days.

Here are a few…

From M on Mother's Day ("I think my mom is the greatest because she lets us (A and I) do whatever we want to do. She also is really nice. That's why I think my mom is the best."):


These are postcards that the girls wrote to Lucky from the Dead Sea at Sunday School a few weeks ago. First the backs (the bottom one is from A – her name got cut off):

("Dear Lucky, I hope you're having a good time in your cage. I'm swimming in the Dead Sea. Love, M")
("Dear Lucky, I hope you're having fun playing and eating treats. Just remember the monkey is the best to play with. Having a nice time in your crate. Love, A."):


And now the fronts:


Here is M practicing her cursive – she wrote this in my office at Take Your Kids To Work Day:


Ok, that's it for scans for today – many more to come!

Oh, one more thing – A has resumed her correspondence with Nora, her tooth fairy. She has been creating houses for Nora – one outside and one in the attic – and leaves her treats at night. Her friend Alli came over yesterday and Alli left a note for Nora too, and Nora wrote her one as well. Here are some pictures of A reading her notes from Nora this morning:




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