Almost 36 Weeks

I am a tired mommy. I am 36 weeks tomorrow. I had the girls at 36 weeks 1 day, which is the equivalent of Friday, but am hoping that the Captain stays in a bit longer. Daddy and I got another look at him this morning. His measurements on the ultrasound suggest that he is about 6 1/2 pounds. He is not good about letting us see his face but we got a few glimpses.

I am definitely feeling the 36 weeks, plus the fibroids which have me measuring a few weeks ahead. A guy outside the library today told me (didn't ask me) that I am carrying twins. Uh, no. And someone else said, "You look like you're about to pop!" Sigh.

The girls are making me feel better – rubbing my feet and back, etc. They've been very very sweet. Today A had a playdate after school with a boy in her class. When I got home he was here and they were practicing karate in the backyard. He's a nice kid. (I think he's the one who called her on the phone a few months back). M had a playdate at her friend Natalie's after school.

I had my car detailed yesterday and it looks amazing. When the girls got in the car this morning, M said, "Mommy, did this cost a lot of money? Because I think you should get it detailed once a week." I'd love that.

A was star performer at her school today, which meant she played the piano for her class. She played a song that she learned by ear on the piano, "Give Your Heart a Break" by Demi Lovato. Really impressive.

1 comment

Lisa says:

Hang in there… he’ll be here before you know it!

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