I Think We May Be Having A Baby

This weekend, it became pretty apparent that we are having a baby sometime soon. Here is the evidence:

  • The girls helped me get a lot of stuff ready. M helped me put together the new stroller, which is the excellent City Mini, and which was very easy to assemble. I even got the car seat adaptor installed, which means we can use it when The Captain is very little and still in his carseat. The girls also helped me put some decorative decals on the wall above the dresser in the nursery. They are very cute. Photos below.
  • We went and test-drove our third car in the search for a car with a usable third row. Saturday it was the new Toyota Highlander. We all liked it a lot – I have a feeling that's where we're headed. Not much cargo space when the third row is up, but that's the case with the Honda Pilot too, which is a much larger car.
  • We drove the girls by the hospital where the baby will be born, so that they could see it in advance. Just as we were pulling in, my OB was leaving the building. He was a bit panicked to see me, but relaxed when I told him we were just showing the girls the building. He had done two deliveries already that day.
  • We had Mother-Daughter Book Club today, and all of the moms and daughters surprised us with a very sweet celebration. (Photos below.) All of the girls painted onesies for The Captain, as well as pillowcases for M&A, and people brought books for The Captain's library. Amie, the hostess, made a cake in the shape of a book, and wrote something like "Chapter 5: Two Sisters Await Their Baby Brother", with a picture of the family on the opposite page. It was all really sweet. The girls also got books meant for older siblings to record their first year of being a big brother/sister.

It was also Mother's Day today. We went out to dinner at Rosa Mexicano with Grandma Sandy, and the girls gave me the sweetest cards/booklets with very sweet and touching things about me. I love them. Daddy gave me a gift certiicate for a pregnancy massage at a very fancy hotel, which I can't wait to use. The girls made a very big deal out of Mother's Day, which was so sweet.

Meanwhile, I am contracting nonstop and starting to wonder how long I am going to go. Hopefully a few more weeks. Seeing the doctor tomorrow AM.

Also, tomorrow AM M is reading in the morning announcements, talking about honesty. We will be there to video it!

OK, off to upload pics. Another busy week ahead, but things are starting to wind down – one more week of Sunday School, only one (2?) more weeks of ballet. A's Notebusters concert is next Sunday night.

Here is the nursey decorating.










Here are pics from the book club shower:






1 comment

Sandra Schrut says:

I think the room looks adorable! And I love that the girls are helping to decorate it.
Grandma Sandy

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