8th Birthday!


Here are some pictures of the birthday girls this morning:





They wanted to open one present this morning – the intriguing cynlindrically-shaped lava lamp. Here they are opening it:


This is the girls on the way to school – a picture I take every year. Note that our beautiful rhododendrons are in bloom:



The girls are wearing matching dresses that they got from Imogene for their birthday and which they love.

Then this morning, we went to school with them so that we could hear the announcement of their birthday (which we bought at the auction). Here are some pics from school this morning:



M in class:


A brought in cupcakes today to celebrate her birthday. M wants to bring in blondies, and wants to wait until Thursday, when her teacher is back from being away. (She has a substitute this week.)

And here is the video of the announcement of their birthday:

We had a fun night tonight too – Daddy brought home hamburgers from Five Guys and I brought home an ice cream cake. Imogene stayed for dinner and we had a nice celebration.

Another great surprise: a HUGE air hockey table arrived today, thanks to Nana and Grampy! The girls love it. Nana and Grampy also stopped by tonight to wish the girls happy birthday. I will upload pics from dinner tomorrow.

The girls also got sweet calls and notes from Emily, Sarah/Jonathan/Liz/Rachel, Darrah and Deb, and Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron, plus a very early morning birthday hug from Grandma Sandy. They are very loved!

I have many more photos and videos to upload – all of the recital pictures and videos, pics from Spring Fair, and even some videos from the girls' birthday party last weekend. Will share those throughout the week!