Presents and Presents!

My colleagues at Discovery gave me a lovely surprise shower today, which was very sweet. They were trying to get me to reveal the Captain's name, but I didn't give in. I got some new books, bookends for the Bridge, a cute pillow that matches the crib pattern, some baby shampoo/cream, and a gift card to BuyBuyBaby which will go toward getting some of the things on the list.

Last night I wrapped the girls' birthday presents and put them under the piano. Since they don't read the blog until it's printed (usually), I think I am safe posting them here today:

  • Lafayette sweatshirts
  • Thing 1 and Thing 2 sweatshirts
  • The 2011 P&B&B&B blog book
  • Some magnetic button earrings (which they will have to share, given M's newfound interest in earrings)
  • Some cute tank tops and shorts for the summer
  • The next 2 books in M's Vespers Rising series
  • A friendship bracelet guidebook for M
  • A green/blue lava lamp (they asked for one)

Still waiting on one present: a printed book of all of A's Alice drawings. I hope it arrives before Monday night!

M asked me to post a pretty glitter/flower drawing she made when she was here in the building for Take Your Kids To Work Day. Here it is:



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