Galas, Grades, and Great Drawings

Exciting news! The girls are going to be performing tomorrow night at the annual Washington Ballet gala! We had thought they weren't included (even though other baby flamingos from their cast are performing), but it turns out it was an email glitch and they were meant to be included. So we will be downtown tomorrow night, and I will drop them off at 6PM. (I won't be attending due to limited funds and mobility, but Nana and Grampy will be there!)

In other news, the girls will be coming to work with ME tomorrow! It's Take Your Kids To Work Day, and Discovery does a nice job with it. I am excited that they will be with me, and I will get to see them in between their activities.

And in other great news, both girls brought home excellent report cards. We are very proud of them. Both girls got 4s in all subjects (that's the highest you can get) except A got a 3 in Art, which is ridiculous (see drawings yesterday and below). Even A said, "I am her best student!"

Here are the writeups from their teachers:

M: "Hi M, Wow! I can't believe the year is almost over! You have been such an avid learner, taking seriously all your lessons. Your tests in reading show ecxellent comprehension on multiple choice question as well as constructive responses. Your thorough and detailed writing keeps you at the top of lass. In math we see similar mastery. Your Mad Minute scores are consistently at the top. You use class time wisely and always have assignments done way in advance. You are a happy person who works and plays well with others. If I had anything to say, it wold be to broadcast your voice so that others can hear you. Since you always have a wealth of information and lots of stories to share, it would be nice to hear more of you! You've added much to my class this year. Yay M!"

A: "Wow, A has accomplished a lot! She has been focusing on making connections to a variety of texts/genres while building vocabulary and mastering grammar skills. And A has been learning to formally use the five steps of the writing process to author original stories. In math, A will continue to practice her rapid recall of addition and subtraction facts while taking on larger numbers with regrouping. She is ready for multiplication and division this semester. And word problems have become a fun challenge – a lot less support needed!"

Here are some more of A's drawings of Alice costumes:






Heart Queen:







1 comment

Daddy says:

So proud of all my girls, so excited to see them all again in 24 hours and not to travel again for a while, and so thankful for this lifeline to home when I’m literally half way around the world. Love you all! D.

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