Alice Pics and Drawings

M was Helper of the Day, which meant that she had to bring something in to share. She wanted to bring in a photo of her and A dressed up as Baby Flamingos. I didn't realize that she had this photo on her camera:


Of course, getting it to school was a challenge because it was on her camera and she didn't want to show it on her camera. So, before school I had to figure out how to download it to the iPad so she could bring the iPad in. Turns out it wasn't hard to do, but it took a little research.

Neither M nor I was happy about her having the iPad at school, so I returned to school an hour after dropoff to retrieve the iPad. She was still doing her presentation – it was so cute. She was answering questions from her classmates and they seemed very interested in what she was saying (as well as the two little rubber flamingos that "hatched" in water that the girls got from performing at the Washington Club).

While I was importing the image to the iPad, I discovered that all of A's drawings of costumes from the ballet were there! I had thought they weren't retrievable. So I now have those on the computer. Here are a few – I will share more later this week.



Baby Flamingo:





Gerber Daisy:

Many more to come later this week. I love these drawings – she drew them from memory, sometimes after seeing the costumes only once.