Latest Developments

Here's what's new today…

1) A has to do an Animal Postcard this week, where she writes a postcard to herself as if she were an animal. She has decided to write as if she is an opossum. Tonight we did some research on what opossums eat, where they live, and what makes them special. A did a rough draft and will do the final later in the week.

2) M and I finally spoke to the lady who repairs dolls. I am tentatively scheduled to bring Baby to see her on Monday and potentially leave Baby there for 2 nights and pick her up. Unfortunately she lives very far away, so it's going to be a challenge.

3) A got very upset tonight. She doesn't like being 7, she feels too busy and thinks that she is always rushing form activity to activity. She thinks being 8 will be worse. She is very sad. 🙁

Daddy left tonight for Abu Dhabi and Pakistan, returning Friday. Hopefully it won't be a crazy week.



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