Thursday Report

Relatively uneventful Thursday. The girls say that the math test they took this morning was easier than the reading one they took Tuesday and Wednesday. Tomorrow is the last day of testing.

Notebusters was fine, according to A. I worked from home and got to see the girls when they got home. It was a quick turnaround because they had ballet at 6:30, so I took them and picked them up.

So funny – I grabbed a bite to eat at Marvelous Market before going to get them, and while I was sitting outside, I saw Septime Webre walking into a restaurant. When I went to get the girls, I said, "Guess who I saw?!" and M said "Septime Webre!" How did she know??

Tomorrow, M has a baseball game at 5PM, which kicks off a busy weekend for us! Ballet (but no rehearsals!), baseball practice, Sunday School, and A has her Teacher's Treat outing with her teacher which we won at the auction.

Sweet girls.

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