CD Cover Photos

In my efforts to be super-organized this spring, I have been getting things done way in advance. (I'm always worried about the threat of being put on bedrest.) So a few weeks ago, I got the girls' birthday CD labels ready, even before the CD was ready. (Every year we give out a CD of the girls' favorite music as their birthday party favor.) I found a photo I liked and printed out the (very expensive) labels. Well, that was a mistake. As it turns out, A didn't like the photo I chose. She is very unhappy with the labels and doesn't want to use them. So, tonight we went through the recent photo albums and she and M picked out a new photo. (M complained last night that I never check with them first on the CD cover image, and she's right – I really should.)

Here is the photo A DOESN'T like:

San Diego Dec 11 002

Here is the one that M&A chose to use instead:

  Announcement and De-icing 025

And if that doesn't work, then this one:

First School 001

I think the girls look equally beautiful in all of the pictures, but apparently, they don't agree.

Day 2 of standardized testing apparently went fine.




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