
Lots of things from today:

  • M had an orthodontist appointment this morning, and all is looking very good. Her crossbite is self-correcting, and things are where they should be. She doesn't have to go back until October. We are very glad that we didn't go with the super-aggressive orthodontist who wanted to do a face guard thing on M last summer – clearly that wasn't necessary.
  • A lost her second front tooth today! She looks so cute. She wrote the cutest note to the TF tonight, which I copied before she went to bed so that I can post it here. Will do tomorrow. She wants to find out if the TF is real, and she and M schemed a number of ways to do it: 1) Hook up M's camera on video and videotape her bed all night; 2) Set a trap in the room; 3) Keep me and Daddy out of the room. I suggested they try to trick her by putting the tooth under M's pillow and see if she figures out that it actually was A who lost the tooth. A liked that idea at first, but then she decided that she wanted to be the one who wrote the note and that she didn't want to put the tooth under M's pillow. She wrote such a sweet note – I loved it. And she drew pictures of herself and the TF.
  • Something funny M said tonight: we saw an ad for a new Disney movie called "Chimpanzees". She said, "A wants to see that, but I don't. The ad says 'May be intense for some children.' That will be me!"
  • The girls had the first of 4 days of standardized testing today. They said it was easy today. Hopefully it stays that way!

Finally, here are some cute pics of the 4 of us that our friend Kim took after the performance on Sunday night:



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