
Our day started early – 3AM – with A feeling sick. Daddy went in her bed and snuggled with her, but to no avail – by 3:30 she was throwing up in the bathroom. Not a good omen for a day when she had a rehearsal and her first performance!

It was touch and go this morning, but she didn't get sick again, and she stayed home from school in the morning and was well enough to go to her dress rehearsal at 12:30. Daddy picked the girls up at 3:00 and brought them home, and then I picked them up and took them downtown for their call time at 6:30. Lots of coordination. (And thanks to Grandma Sandy for driving them to their rehearsal).

Thankfully, A's stomach stayed stable and she was able to perform both times. The ballet was GREAT. Beautiful dancing, so creative and fun to watch. The costumes were great. And of course the Baby Flamingos were adorable and the crowd loved them.

Thanks to Grandma DIna and Grandpa Ron for making the trek down from NY to see the girls perform. They are headed back in the morning – it was a very quick trip for them and much appreciated.

I have some pics (none with costumes, unfortunately) but am too tired to upload them tonight. The girls have another performance tomorrow night, but we don't have tickets and therefore will pick them up after Act I. They are going to be beyond exhausted tomorrow.

It's really a great show – we are so proud of them. More soon.