Easter Sunday in Shohola

Today was a nice, mellow day here in PA. Daddy wasn't feeling well – he starting feeling sick on Saturday during our drive up – and he slept in late. The girls and I hung around the house in the morning, had a yummy matzah brei breakfast that Grandpa Ron made, and then walked down to the lake for a bit. In the afernoon, we took a nature walk in a nearby preserve. That's the most walking I have done in a while, but it was easy and mellow and didn't wipe me out too much. Tonight we had a delicious dinner in a nearby NJ town. It was an Easter buffet and there was a lovely view of the state park outside the window.

I now have my feet up and can hear everyone playing Clue downstairs – sounds like they are having fun! Darrah and Jason and Sydney headed back to Brooklyn already so they didn't join us for dinner. I think Sydney had a lot of fun with her cousins, as they did with her.

The Captain has been making himself known – today M was sitting next to me (I was standing) and she saw him kicking under my sweater. Meanwhile, the contractions and coming fast and furious, despite the meds, so I am trying to take it easy.

Tonight we were leaving the restaurant and someone asked if the two girls are ballerinas. I said yes, how did you know?, and she said she could tell by how they walk.

Here are some beautiful pics of the girls that Grandma Sandy and Aunt Tequila took at the Kennedy Center and Passover.









Many more pics from Tequila (and many taken by M) – will upload more tomorrow!

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