Happy Passover!

Tonight is the first night of Passover. We are going to Grandma Sandy's tonight for a seder, and then heading to Pennsylvania tomorrow to spend the second night with Grandma Dina and Grandpa Ron. The girls had another fun vacation day today – they went down to the Mall with Daddy and met up with some old friends of his and their kids. They went to the Carousel, to the Air and Space Museum, and to the Sculpture Garden outside the Hirshorn. Not a bad Washington day. We are lucky to live in a city that people like to visit on THEIR spring breaks, so that we get to see them while they are in town.

Spring has sprung here – lots of beautiful colors everywhere.

We have to leave Pennsylvania early on Monday so that we can get the girls home for their Alice rehearsal on Monday, and then it is Alice performance week! Lots of rehearsals and shows next week – very exciting! I can't wait to see them on the stage at the Kennedy Center.

Signing off…


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